Rang Tang Express

By Gene Hubert
Composed January, 1997

SourceRobert Cromartie's web site http://www.kcomputing.com/contra
TypeSquare-Keeper, H S H S
AHeads go forward and back
Heads right-hand star
BAllemande left corner
Heads box the gnat with partner
Heads right-hand star 3/4 to face a side couple
CAllemande left neighbor
Gents pass right and walk to partner
Allemande right partner
Gents pass left and walk to neighbor
DAllemande left neighbor
Gents pass right and swing partner
EPromenade home

Author's Notes:
Phrases C and D are three fourths of a Georgia Rang Tang with the hands switched between partner and neighbor.

This dance is from American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 11/17/1997; last revised 3/5/1999; edited by Russell Owen