Hussy Bride, The

By Bill Olson
Composed October, 1999

Levelmed (assigned by the editor)
A1(8) Long lines go forward and back
(8) Ladies allemande right 1 1/2
Let go a bit early and form long waves along the set: ladies facing out, right hand to partner, left to the next
A2(4) Balance the wave
(4) Partners allemande right 3/4 to a wave across (same two ladies in the center)
(4) Balance the wave
(4) Walk forward to a new wave
(This is the progression to new neighbors)
B1(4) Balance the wave
(12) Partners swing
B2(6) Circle left 3/4
(10) Neighbors swing

Author's Notes:
This dance was finished in October, 1999 and dedicated to Barbara Groh, a wonderful dancer and caller from Asheville, North Carolina, on the occasion of her marriage.
A possible alternative in A2 would be for the women to allemand left once around after the second balance. This would propel the women toward their partners for a partner balance and swing in B1.

Editor's Notes:
Getting the ladies to let go in time in A1 may prove challenging, especially for beginners. That is only speculation as I've not yet called this dance.

This dance is from American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 12/16/2002; edited by Russell Owen